An investment donation is a long-term investment of cash or capital to acquire financial instruments or other assets with the aim of achieving a profitable return in the form of interest, other income or an increase in the value of the asset.
Dear users and especially those who are interested in investing in this project:
We would like to ask for your understanding, but at the moment we have provided only one form of investment in this project (in the sense of an investment donation mentioned above), by purchasing or acquiring loyalty points (Called LPs for short), which can be used to purchase assets from our store, to be exchanged, traded or held for the purpose of future profit from their possession.
"In order to fully preserve our independence and our ownership of the project, our ideas and development plan, and at the same time to enable interested parties to help and in the future turn their investments into profit, we have created the Loyalty Point acquisition and exchange system (we will not allow external influence from investors due to financial interests, which will lead to the publication of unverified or unconsidered content, commercial elements and such... which, in turn, can ruin the project - in the field of computer games there are a huge number of examples of failed or destroyed games and projects due to incompetent or malicious investor influence and serving outside financial or competing interests).”